AlemFre PinkHouse Cancer Foundation (APCF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Ethiopian women abroad and at home, who are burdened with financial need to access screening, diagnosis, and treatment for breast ,Cervical and other cancer. APCF is also dedicated to empower, educate and advocate for women for early detection and better cancer care
Firehiwot Derso(FiFi) PhD, Founder
Why do we fight?
“I was determined to find a way to help other women and their families going through what I went through.”
Alemtsehay Derso
Alemtsehay Derso was a beautiful, courageous and strong young woman. Although we were separated by distance, we used to talk biweekly at the beginning of her diagnosis and daily during the last few weeks of her life. The years after her departure from this world were the saddest and darkest of my life.
Some Facts About Cancer
One out of Eight
1.1 Million
Our Mission
AlemFre PinkHouse Cancer Foundation (APCF) is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering Ethiopian women abroad and at home to overcome financial barriers and access critical care for breast, cervical, and other gynecological cancers. Through education, early detection programs, and relentless fundraising, APCF strives to improve the health and well-being of Ethiopian women battling cancer.
Our Project: The Pink House
Pink House, is a temporary shelter located in Addis Ababa & Gondar. This haven provides a safe and supportive environment for Ethiopian women undergoing cancer treatment, alleviating the burden of finding accommodation during this challenging time.
Become a Member
AlemFre PinkHouse Cancer Foundation (APCF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Ethiopian women abroad and at home, who are burdened with financial need to access screening, diagnosis, and treatment for breast cancer.
የአለምፍሬ ፒንክሀውስ ካንሰር ፋውንዴሽን አባል ሲሆኑ በካንሰር ለተጠቁ ሴት እህቶች እና እናቶች ከህመማቸው በላይ በጥቁር አንበሳ ሆስፒታል እና በጎንደር ስፔሻላይዝድ ሆሰፒታል የኬሞ እና ጨረር ህክምና የሚከታተሉ እና ማረፊየ በማጣጥ በስቃይ ለሚገኙ ታካሚዎች የመጠለያ፣ የምግብ፣ የእንክብካቤ እና የንፅህና መጠበቂያዎችን እንዲያገኙ ያደርጋሉ።